Do This to Reduce Customer Complaints

Your agency is growing. That’s awesome! Long timelines and quality issues aren’t awesome. But, as your agency grows, these unwanted guests often come along for the ride.

You’re working extra hard to make sure that these quality issues don’t reach your client. Your sales team quotes longer project timelines, and you’re paying through the nose for quality assurance and rework. 

Unfortunately, some issues will slip through the cracks and when that happens the customer complains, and there’s hell to pay.

While your initial instinct may be to rain fire and brimstone on the team for their mistakes, you may want to take a quick breath and realize that this is a perverse compliment.

Your customer values your relationship enough to actually say something. They’re giving you the chance to fix it and get back on the right track BEFORE bad-mouthing you to everyone in their sizable contact list.

So, what do you do to reduce customer complaints?

It’s simple, really. Stop doing work that you shouldn’t. 

Growing businesses are often the victim of scope, feature, or offering creep. They start to expand service lines outside of their unique value proposition or add features and benefits that don’t help the customer make progress. 

While doing more types of work may seem like a good idea, what you’re actually doing is taking time away from doing profitable work to focus on unprofitable work that you’re likely bad at.

That sounds like a bad trade-off to me! And, one that’s bound to end in client complaints.

Focus on what you’re really good at operationally not all the other stuff and the complaints will drop off drastically.