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How to Fix Your Shrinking Profit Margins

Eventually, the profitability of every 7-figure agency starts shrinking and you’re left considering the tradeoff between all your hard work and the diminishing profit margins.

You’re not alone. Most agency owners are probably suffering from the same problem you are, and it’s because you’ve been focused on growing, not scaling.

Growth is about increasing the size of your business. Scaling is about increasing your profitability as you grow. 

It’s absolutely possible to get back on the right track without slowing your growth. You’ve just got to standardize your processes, ID and manage your system’s limits, and improve your productivity.

Standardize Processes – Small agencies don’t have standardized processes. They don’t need them. As the owner, you’re in the thick of delivery. You can coach new hires, and everyone can rely on your institutional knowledge to get things over the finish line without a hitch. 

As you grow, your time gets spread thin. Everyone starts doing things differently. That difference in process confuses your team, clogs your workflow, damages productivity, and creates mistakes that have to be fixed on your dime.

Standardizing processes and training your team, increases productivity, decreases mistakes, and shrinks project timelines. That’s all money going back into your pocket.

ID & Manage System Limits – Every business process has limits that impact your productivity, quality, and profitability. Trying to work against those limits just aggravates the problem. Working with those limits increases your results.

It’s like woodworking. You always go with the grain. If you go against the grain you damage the wood and make more work for yourself.

Improve Productivity – Improving productivity is all about doing more with less. You’re meeting growth in demand by increasing your efficiency. When revenue goes up, but costs stay put, your profit also increases.

Most people think tools create productivity, but they don’t; processes do. Tools are just “force multipliers”.  They take whatever you give them and amplify it. So, you’ve got to be sure you’re giving it the right stuff. That’s another reason why standardized processes are so important.