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Start Making Gains with this Productivity Hack

Growing a 7-figure business isn’t easy. You start small and scrappy and as your sales grow, so does your team. Eventually you reach a tipping point where profitability and productivity go down with each new hire. Your whole team may be extremely busy, but they may be focused on work that doesn’t help your customer make progress. That eats up their bandwidth (or capacity), and your company’s profitability.

The most profitable businesses focus their time on impactful work, not on pleasant distractions like feature or offer creep.

Your team should use the Work Elimination Matrix to figure out whether they’re focused on work that moves the needle, or work that doesn’t. Here’s how. There are 2 axes: the first is “Only you can do it” and “Anyone can do it”. The second is “Needs to be Done” and “Doesn’t Need to be Done”.

Spend 80% or more of your time in the first quadrant: work that needs to be done and only your managers can do it. 

Quadrant 1 work is urgent, important, and only that person can do it. It’s the kind of stuff that keeps clients moving through the process. If ignored all progress stops.

Everything in quadrants 2 and 3 should be passed or automated.  Things in quadrants 3 or 4 should be automated, or eliminated – especially quadrant 4. 

It’s not urgent, or important. It’s likely not in your unique value proposition. Stop wasting your team’s time on it. Get rid of it to make room for the important stuff.

With your team focused on their most important work, you’ll be amazed at how much gets done and how quickly.

Let’s have a conversation about how this tool applies to you and your agency. Schedule an appointment here or reach out to