
Making Progress

Simon Sinek says “People don’t buy what you do. They buy why you do it.” We think he’s wrong…partially. Now before you get upset and burn down our office, let me tell you why. Why did you buy your toaster? Was it because you wanted to join the great”perfect toast movement?” No. You just want toasted bread. You had a job that you needed to do and the toaster did it better than a skillet, the oven, or anything else.

Peter Drucker says “People rarely buy what the company thinks it’s selling”. And Prof. Clayton Christensen says “people don’t buy products [or services], they hire them to make progress in their life.”

So, we could sit here and BS you about our vision for the future or our mission to help this or that cause, but in the end, it doesn’t matter.

You don't care about our vision. You care about yours.

You have a vision for your business. You may not even realize it, but you do. And, darn it something is getting in the way. Maybe it’s internal obstacles like the team or operations. Maybe you’re having a tough time reaching your customers and telling them why you’re awesome. Maybe you’re just not growing fast enough. 

Whatever it is, we can help.

Find Out How We Can Help

Schedule a free 60 minute consultation today.

Context is the Foundation of Value

Context tells us what is going on and how it started. From there, we can get into solutions. This means we spend time in the trenches with employees and business owners, observing processes, learning systems, gathering data, and asking a lot of questions to ensure that the solutions we provide will actually fit.

We use that context to provide battle-tested solutions that grow your business, strip away all of the unnecessary work you burden yourself with, and show your team how to drive profits without you. You step into who you need to be to really grow your business. All of this leads to you gaining the momentum you need to make your vision a reality.

Whatever it is, we can help


Our Pricing Structure

Hourly Rate

Discover what is holding you back from achieving your goals, or destabilizing your business and create strategies to fix it.

Profit Growth Intensive

In 4 weeks, we’ll deep-dive into your business, capture data, kill costs, and map out your path to the promised land.

Guided Growth Partnership

$30,000 retainer + Revenue Share
Work together over 6 months to implement changes, evaluate them in real-time, and make sure the right ones stick.

Epic Results

100% Happiness Guarantee – You hired us to help make progress in your business, and that looks different for everyone. We get it. If you’re not happy with your progress, then tell us. We’ll do what we can to make it right, even if that means refunding your money.

5x ROI Guarantee – Part of making progress in your business means making MONEY. We believe in playing only if we can both win. That means we only work with people we are confident we can generate a 5x return on investment.

Find Your Own Epic Results

Schedule a free 60 minute consultation today.